Career fair resources for success

Each year, Wayne State University hosts a variety of career/job fairs and industry days. These employment events are free to students and are great places to network and meet people who know people who know of a company looking for someone just like you. Meet as many people as possible and share your resume if you are looking for a job. You never know where it will lead. WSU career fair dates & sign up instructions

Know Your Elevator Pitch for any Fair!

Prepare a 30-second introduction or elevator pitch to use with employers. Students can practice answering this important question through our Big Interview mock interview platform. You don't want to sound like you are reading a script, but you do want to sound like you thought about why you are there.

An elevator pitch might sound something like, "Hello. I'm Wonda Warrior, a senior in Communications studies with an emphasis on Organizational Communications. My experiences include working as an intern for Health Alliance plan, leading their social media and internal communications strategy. I'm looking for a position related to Social Media Content when I graduate this May. I read on your website that (name of organization) has an entry-level position in your corporate marketing department, and I would really like to learn more about this role." 

In-Person Career Fairs


Career fairs - What to expect

Job fair advice: How to use your 5 minutes to get an interview

How to prepare for your college career fair | The intern hustle

Career fair articles

8 Ways to Stand Out at a Career Fair

9 tips to successfully navigate your next career fair

10 tips to make the most of your college career fair

11 good questions to ask recruiters at a career fair

Handshake Virtual Career Fairs

Virtual Job Fairs: The Benefits to Job Seekers & Tips for Success

Attending a virtual career fair? Here are 10 tips you need to know