Job seekers with disabilities
If you are looking for information on job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act or Rehabilitation Act, or topics related to employment, please explore the resources below.
Americans with Disabilities Act
WSU Student Disability Services - Wayne State University student service office dedicated to the continuing success of students with disabilities.
A-Z of Disabilities and Accommodations - Information designed to help employers and individuals determine effective accommodations and comply with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). - Career resources for job seekers.
American Foundation for the Blind - Website dedicated to resources, policies and accessibility information to ensure equality and opportunity for people who are blind or visually impaired, creating a culture of inclusion at work, at school, and in our communities
CAPE-Youth Resources - Seeks to improve employment outcomes for youth and young adults with disabilities by helping states build capacity in their youth service delivery and workforce systems.
Careers and the Disabled - The nation's first and only career-guidance and recruitment magazine for people with disabilities who are at undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels.
College & Career Guide for Students with Disabilities - College & Career Guide for Students with Disabilities.
Earn - Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion.
Emerging Leaders - Internships - A highly competitive program that places top undergraduate and graduate college students with disabilities in fulfilling internships nationwide that also provide them with meaningful leadership development and networking opportunities.
Guide for Job Seekers & Workers with a Disability - Useful tips for finding a job, advice on staying gainfully employed, and guidance that can help you talk with an existing employer about making reasonable accommodation for you.
Hire Disability Solutions - Career resources that help you to meet your career goals, increase your independence and empower yourself.
PEAT - Fosters collaborations that make emerging technologies accessible. Supports workplaces in using inclusive technologies that engage the skills of employees with disabilities.
The LEAD Center - A collaborative of disability, workforce and economic empowerment organizations dedicated to improving employment and economic advancement outcomes for all people with disabilities.
Best Positions for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Job Seekers - Article
US Department of Labor - Office of Disability Employment Policy